About Dick:

Dick’s bio is perhaps best described in his memoir. This is his debut book, but it incorporates the adventures and misadventures of his life, which make for a fun and captivating read. He has always been a bit of an outsider, but one with a fabulous sense of humor, which he displays prominently in the pages of this book. Dick took some writing classes at the New School in New York City years ago, but most of his original works were short stories written while he recovered from motorcycle accidents.

Listen to Dick share the unconventional journey behind Just Another Dick, The Presumptuous Memoir of a Truly Unimportant Person on KPCW's The Mountain Life. From post-WWII adventures to becoming a respected NYC radio and advertising figure, this candid conversation reveals the life lessons and bold decisions that shaped his remarkable story.

🎧 Tune in here: https://www.kpcw.org/show/the-mountain-life/2024-08-07/local-authors-memoir-recounts-how-he-rose-to-respectability-in-an-unconventional-way